We are a group of creatives, engineers and "outside-the-box" thinkers, driven to see our clients’ dreams brought to life through the use of technology. We leverage industry-leading expertise to create environments to help you tell your story and engage your audience.
We specialize in professional Audio, Video, Lighting, Technology & I.T. solutions and are proud to offer comprehensive system designs, integrations, and equipment sales to our clients.
Clear ProAV was founded on, and remains committed to, two principles: Integrity and Quality.
While there are many ways to create a solution, we strive to find the optimum choice of products and services that best serves the needs and desires of our clients. We do so while being mindful of budget constraints and desired functionality.
We approach every project as if we were in the buyer's seat, and we do our best to treat others the way we would want to be treated. This ensures our commitment to clear communication and complete transparency throughout the entire process.
You won’t find a wordy proposal from us, filled with techno-babble that is difficult to understand. Instead, we clearly explain how the solutions we're proposing, will help you reach your objectives, both now and in the future. We want you to understand why the solution proposed will help ensure long term success and satisfaction.
Guided by industry standards and best-practices, we hold ourselves to the highest standards. We believe that technical systems are investments and should be treated that way. From the smallest of details found deep within a project’s schematics, to the stringent requirements we implement in the field, we do our best to ensure your systems are able to reach their full potential. While many say it, we work tirelessly to deliver it. It’s in our DNA.
We don't believe in hidden fees or up-sells, just honesty, integrity and quality in all we do.